Kategorie: Workarounds

Android: DNS Client fails to lookup LAN Hosts

Android enforces DNS over IPV6 „first“ to Google Servers as Backup DNS Solution. Google wants to catch EVERY DNS request for their DNS Logging (Spyware)! If any IPV6 DNS Google Server answere’s Android stops DNS over IPV4 of LAN to prevent AD’s BLOCKING!! So no LAN Server is seen on Android Browsers Solution: Disable IPV6 broadcast DHCP/DNS on LAN Routers! Block outgoing IPV6 on LAN Firewalls! With this crap settings google is analysing the whole internet!  

Ubuntu: Chromium install without snap

Howto: Remove all snaps and install chromium on ubuntu 20.XX-24.XX sudo snap remove "package-name" (first all gtk-XX,gnone-xx and all "base+core") sudo apt-get remove snap snapd sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xtradeb/apps  (Answere Question ENTER) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install chromium

Ubuntu Upgrade Bug: do-release-upgrade breaks cups wrapper filter files for Brother Laser Printers

If you upgrade ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04 via „do-release-upgrade“ and you have installed brother laser printer drivers, the whole „cups“ printing system will FAIL on print and log missing „filters“ at cups log. The „lp“ printer output piped into nirvana! Check at  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ for the filter files Reinstalls cups by deinstall/reinstall with –purge config option Check again  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Copy all „brto*“ missing filter files from other old working PC to  /usr/lib/cups/filter/ Restart PC, cups works now. The Filter files are not inside Brother Driver Packages (deb)! Seen on a Systems with Ubuntu Small/Mini Setup! I will check next days this […]

Install Cewe or Rossmann Photobook Software Linux

Problem: Cewe Fotobuch Software wurde für 32bit Linux geschrieben lässt sich daher nach der Installation wegen fehlender Libraries nicht starten. Lösung: Download der Software von http://www.cewe-fotobuch.de/download/ Konsole öffnen (ähnlich Windows Dos Fenster – keine Mausgesteuerte Installation) die Datei Namens setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz nach /tmp kopieren entpacken des Archives (.tgz) starten des Perlscripts nachträgliche Installation der 32bit Framedateien (Libraries) Copy&Paste: sudo cp setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz /tmp sudo tar -xvzf setup_Mein_CEWE_Fotobuch.tgz sudo ./install.pl sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32gomp1 Unter Suse Linux 64bit sollte das gleiche Problem bestehen, hier mit Yast die 32bit Libraries suchen und installieren. ..und klappt.. Update 2023: Die Software […]

Bug: virt-manager NO Keyboard input on VM

If you use Debian as Host System for Virtual Servers the „virt-manager“ Package is broken! no keymap input no VM Console Control no VT-Switch possible Fix: run sudo virsh edit "vm-name" remove all „spice“ display + audio entrys !! open sudo virt-manager go details  and and ADD Display VGA + VGA-Adapter select VNC!! save + exit settings.. reboot VM now you should be able to enter the login commands

Setup Openwrt Xiaomi AX3200 BR01 11-2021 Redmi AX6S

Today i got the openwrt Firmware to run on my new xiaomi ax3200 Router, the Problem is that the Default Firmware open a Upload-Channels to „api.wifimi.com“ Many online wiki told that its impossible to flash the BR01 Version after Production Date 09.21 To flash you need a Serial UART to USB Adaptor and 4 Pin-Lab Cables connected to the Mainboard from bottom without open the Case!! Remark: Plug Router-Pin-RX to TX at the UART Adapter and Router TX to RX-UART (Crossover!!!) Voltage + is 3,3 Volts!! not 5Volts!! here some Pictures https://github.com/mikeeq/xiaomi_ax3200_openwrt#uart-flash REMARK the Pins from bottom must be seen MIRRORED!!! […]

Firestick VPN disable GEOBLOCKING Android

In Europe most DSL Routers don’t support VPN/OPENVPN by default this a Workaround without hacking any Firmware or Chrooting ! What you need: openvpn.apk Client client.ovpn Config File Linux PC with adb tools, Ubuntu Live CD works also without Install! AWS or other vServer on the Cloud outside EU (i testet AWS-Lightsail for free!) 15Mins Time.. If you want stream GEO Blocked Content like News/TV Pages do: on fireOS enable „adb“ debugging if not found go Settings about and TAP 7x on „About in Device Info“ to unhide DEVELOPER MODE! download openvpn client 3.2.1 apk (use for Android 4.4.4 Version […]

Ubuntu Odroid Enable Boot Messages again

To see any VERY useful Kernel Boot Messages on Screen do: nano /media/boot/boot.ini then search line 9: setenv condev "console=ttyS0,115200n8" change to: setenv condev "console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty1" now enable Multi-User Console this disable graphic Lightdm Login Manager systemctl set-default multi-user.target Now you can debug all again.. be happy

Android OS vs Linux Widevine Support on ARM64

If you use a odroid device like my odroid n2 you should know that the OFTEN needed DRM Browser Plugin „Widevine“ in NOT available by default for ARM64. Google free Browser Chromium does not support Widevine without hacking (extracting from a Chromebook OS Recovery ARMHf/32bit Image.) I was not able to get it to run on Armbian or ubuntu for odroid. Its much simpler to setup Android and use the Apps like Amazon Video or else.. Google does NOT offer a Widevine to ARM64 CPU Support by default. Try x86 TV Sticks or Boxes like the intel tv stick if […]

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