Kategorie: OSS Bug Reports

Bug: virt-manager NO Keyboard input on VM

If you use Debian as Host System for Virtual Servers the „virt-manager“ Package is broken! no keymap input no VM Console Control no VT-Switch possible Fix: run sudo virsh edit "vm-name" remove all „spice“ display + audio entrys !! open sudo virt-manager go details  and and ADD Display VGA + VGA-Adapter select VNC!! save + exit settings.. reboot VM now you should be able to enter the login commands

Ubuntu Debian MAJOR Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet

Ubuntu Debian (All Linux OS) Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet System : ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kernel 5.7 amd64 Router openwrt LAN/WIFI: disabled ipv6 dhcp ! Bug: Wifi lost internet connection randomly on 100% Signal beside the Gateway-Router! Problem: No Error Logs, no Kernel Messages Tested: Replaced Mini-PCI WIFI 5/6 Cards various Brands ATH9/Intel no fix!! Replaces Drivers and Power Off Powermanagement of PCI-WIFI! no fix! Solution: edit /etc/sysctl.conf insert: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 Bug Background Info: dhcp6 daemon got a expire time of IP Address but fails to renew the handshake […]

Nextcloud Owncloud Calling Home

I did a deeper firewall test on my fresh installed OpenWRT Router and activated a „Ads Blacklist“ after this my owncloud Share Login loops! Result: Seems that some IP’s of the „Update Check Tool“ Servers, which is installed inside the PHP-Kit is blacklisted. So it seems the Code calls home!  With this option its possible to count and collect IPs of Setups! Perhaps checkout unpatched Versions! I didn’t check deeper, but the behavior was clear without viewing the codes. After publish this Info via Twitter:   REMARKS: No Company / Developer works for „free“ After Setup of PHP-Kits do a […]

Nextcloud Owncloud Opensource Risk’s

If you are current using Nextcloud / Owncloud or other PHP-Kits for File Handling you should know these remarks: Based on this Article You must know: Details of Security about your current used PHP Versions (7.X) Details of your used Database Version (MySQL..) Details of hardened OS and Webserver Version (Apache,Firewall,fail2ban,file policys, selinux, apparmor filter) See ALWAYS PHP-Kits of opensource with the trust of NON HARDENED SOFTWARE (prefer NON-PUBLIC ACCESS) You can ACCESS this Software thru SSH TUNNELS with a local running non-caching PROXY (privoxy) Use the SSH Tunnels on unknown Ports and Login via Key Files which must be […]

Unity Ubuntu Topbar disappeared

I have often seen that the Unity Topbar of Ubuntu LTS is hidden or not clean loaded after Login. It’s Caching Problem of Unity (Compiz) and Lightdm, if the PC is not clean rebooted or started. Howto fix: sudo rm -fr ~/.cache/compizconfig-1 \ && sudo rm -fr ~/.compiz && sudo service lightdm restart Now relogin and check.. if ok do a Profile Backup! with: tar -cvzf /usb-backup-stick/compiz.tgz \ /home/username/.cache/compizconfig-1 /home/username/.compiz

Android: Upgrade Downgrade Kindle Fire Firmware Bug

If you use a Amazon Kindle Fire 2015 (45$) Generation „Ford“ or other Android Tablets,Smartphones you must know some MAJOR Informations about the Firmware Handling. If you were asked by the Fire OS or Android to „Upgrade“ the Firmware OS, DON’T PUSH YES it without READING DETAILS! I prefer ALWAYS NO FIRST! Use ALWAYS a SDCARD to hold the MAJOR Data of your Tablet, cause if bricked or damaged you can’t pull off the DATA!!! Android Firmware Images INCLUDE not only the OS, it includes DRIVERS, and the MAJOR BOOTLOADER!! Cause Android Devices use no real BIOS!! If you Upgrade, you […]

WordPress: SEO Ranking bad after setting „read more“ tags

After some weeks of cleaning up my blog, i remarked a very bad ranking from under the first 10 on google to nirvana What did i change? saved wp-login with htaccess to non-public set post content with „read more“ buttons Background: Search engine like google wasn’t able to pull content of posts which are cut by „more“ Search engine wasn’t able to pull relinks over the wp-admin url by the internal wordpress feeds I was forced to turn back my settings and wait for better ranking.. not safe but must be..

Security: Harden DSL Routers and Networks against attacks

Last days there was a high count of news about the Bot Attacks against T-Com Telekom Router devices. To understand the behavior about this up comming security problems you should know following points : Every network supported device can be a goal for a attack ( Routers, Modems, PC, Fridges,IP-TV, IP Switches, IP-Cams…) You have to update the OS for each device monthly, if not supported by the manufacter, then dont buy! Try to get Opensource Hardware with Opensource Software for full access (ssh / console) to have full control Reduce the count of devices who are connected direct to […]

Fritzbox: Freezing Wifi if USB 3.0 is used

Today i was touched by a Bug of my fritzbox 7490, after installing a USB 3.0 Stick as NAS the Wifi connect was broken to all devices! After some search on net i found this post: http://avm.de/service/fritzbox/fritzbox-7490/wissensdatenbank/publication/show/1636_WLAN-Stoerungen-bei-angeschlossenem-USB-3-0-Geraet/ Background: The high magnetic frequency’s of USB 3.0 data transfer inside the cable or stick hangup the WIFI chips! It works like a WIFI JAMMER!! DONT USE A ROUTER AS NAS! If it fails or overheat all devices are offline!! It’s a really big joke that most Manufacter sell devices without TESTING!! I call it Banana Hardware..

Impressum Datenschutz-DSGVO-GDPR

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