Kategorie: Armbian

Linux: Perfect Secure Travel Laptop

If you want to Travel to other Countries (Border-Control), you should know some things: Buy a older Acer Laptop with Micro SSD Harddisk and SATA CDROM Slot Buy a SATA CDROM Adaptor for 10$, open the Laptop and remove the SATA Drive put it into the SATA Adaptor Don’t put Screws into the Laptop to the Adaptorslot so that you can pull out quick the SSD drive Install Ubuntu Linux with LUKS Disk full encryption! DOWNLOAD here Buy a privacy Shield-Sticker onto the TFT To extend security use USB-WIFI Dongle for WIFI Connections! (MAC Address Spoofing) Or: Buy a older […]

Linux: Raise Security Level by removing Software

If you use Linux you should monthly check which Software you haven’t used last weeks. Background: Every additional Software put Load on your PC Every additional Software uses libraries which can be affected by zero day exploits The Developers doesn’t know all bugs of their dependencies Third parity Software parts like „Github“ or „PPA-Sources“ they can be a security hole, by confusing Developers! If a Projekt is closed, remove unneeded Software to reduces the count of securitry holes! Run Cleanups after uninstall to purge changed Configs read here

Linux Security: create, mount, lock Luks Encrypted Container Files

Howto create encrypted Container Files for private Photos? REMARKS: EVERY unlocked and active mounted Luks Drive could be read out by attackers! Use long Passwords for Luks! dismount and LOCK unused luks drives/containers if NOT used! Create and mount Script: #!/bin/bash # Script creates 4GB Encrypted File Container, set Password # and mount it to /mnt/photos-private change your username!!! # # check free loop device set as variable loop=`losetup -f` # move existing container to old as BACKUP sudo mv container container.old # create container 4G sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=container bs=1M count=4096 # bind raw container disk to free a […]

Ubuntu: Chromium install without snap

Howto: Remove all snaps and install chromium on ubuntu 20.XX-24.XX sudo snap remove "package-name" (first all gtk-XX,gnone-xx and all "base+core") sudo apt-get remove snap snapd sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xtradeb/apps  (Answere Question ENTER) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install chromium

Seafile Photo Cloud Server Problems (must KNOW)

If you plan to setup a small private Photo Cloud Server and you try to setup „Seafile Community Edition“ there are some MAJOR Points (disadvantages) to know: Seafile Community Edition has limited Functions (5 Users) The Photo Files saved on „Data Blocks Files“ like on „IPFS“ with hash Keys as Names You need a MYSQL Database, MAJOR if broken by Updates all Photos lost! Seafile is based on Python Framework Software if any SPECIAL needed Python-Module is broken by a Update your Photos lost! I have tested many Setups, the big OS-RELEASE Changes often a big Trap cause broken Dependencies […]

Ubuntu Debian MAJOR Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet

Ubuntu Debian (All Linux OS) Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet System : ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kernel 5.7 amd64 Router openwrt LAN/WIFI: disabled ipv6 dhcp ! Bug: Wifi lost internet connection randomly on 100% Signal beside the Gateway-Router! Problem: No Error Logs, no Kernel Messages Tested: Replaced Mini-PCI WIFI 5/6 Cards various Brands ATH9/Intel no fix!! Replaces Drivers and Power Off Powermanagement of PCI-WIFI! no fix! Solution: edit /etc/sysctl.conf insert: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1 Bug Background Info: dhcp6 daemon got a expire time of IP Address but fails to renew the handshake […]

Apache2 evasive Problems with WordPress

If you use Apache2 / Apache24 and anti-hammering tools like the Modul evasive and security2 as addon fail2ban than you can fail blogging. Problems: Apache2 Module „evasive“ must be fine tuned for WordPress go /etc/apache2/ if you use default enabled auto-safe drafts of posts can let you look like a Attacker so disable auto save by wp-config set „define(‚AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL‘, 86400);“ !! on small systems redis and other cache technics can generate too additional hidden „posts“ traffic to the Apache2 & SQL checkout the system by disable all security addons and fine tune settings, if ok enable them again.. try wordpress […]

Apache2 evasive Problems with WordPress

If you use Apache2 / Apache24 and anti-hammering tools like the Modul evasive and security2 as addon fail2ban than you can fail blogging. Problems: Apache2 Module „evasive“ must be fine tuned for WordPress go /etc/apache2/ if you use default enabled auto-safe drafts of posts can let you look like a Attacker so disable auto save by wp-config set „define(‚AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL‘, 86400);“ !! on small systems redis and other cache technics can generate too additional hidden „posts“ traffic to the Apache2 & SQL checkout the system by disable all security addons and fine tune settings, if ok enable them again.. try wordpress […]

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