Monat: Mai 2017

Security: Protection Against Cryptware Wannacry

You heard perhaps last day’s about the major problems of Attacks to Systems with the „WannaCry“ Crypto Ware Howto protect yourself? Enable the Firewall on Windows Systems!! Always! Update daily the Virus Scanners and Windows Patches! Disable and CLOSE Ports you never need! SMB Protocol is a open unencrypted Transfer Protocol! Use a second Router with Firewall behind your ISP Router or Modem! (openwrt, pfsense) Check with nmap Portscanner Tool the taken Rules and check if the work! For Network Access use ALWAYS SFTP with Authentification over KEYs Logins (Two Factor: Key and Password for unlock the Keyfiles id_rsa) For […]

MediaWiki: Purge All Users hold Page Content

If you use MediaWiki to hold your Infos, you perhaps want to Mirror the wiki to other Locations or drop all Users but hold the Content? You can do it with onboard tools: On the Source: Login into the Console of the Webserver go to /webspace/wiki/maintenance run here: php  dumpBackup.php –full > backup.xml tar or rsync the image folder to destination Webspace copy backup.xml to the destination Webspace if you not have done, install MediaWiki new on the destination go to the /webspace/wikinew/maintenance paste backup.xml here restore the backup: php importDump.php backup.xml run rebuild Database: php rebuildrecentchanges.php cleanup Caches: php […]

Chrome Browser: Disable Password Passphrase Autologin Seahorse

Today i got a call and was asked how to STOP Seahorse from asking with a Passphrase Popup after opening Chrome or Chromium Browser: Seems that google implementated a new Tool for Security to Prevent Access to STORED Browser Passwords, BUT this won’t work on Desktops with USER AUTOLOGIN like Lightdm! Howto: open a Terminal an enter ln -s /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop /home/username/Desktop/google-chrome.desktop Now open the new Icon on the desktop with the mouse right click Change Command Line for Chrome : google-chrome-stable –password-store=basic %U or for (chromium): Now open the Browser with the new Icon Link On Ubuntu you can hold the Icon […]

Google: Chrome Browser RSS Reader

If you use a Chrome or Chromium Browser, the google RSS Extension can help you to stay „up to date“ Howto install: Open the Browser and enter: chrome://extensions select „get more extensions“ now on the App Store filter „by google“ left and search rss google install it then you will find the installed tool on now go to a Website like grab the RSS feed by touch on the right shown Icon SAVE NOW the current URL „chrome-extension://…“  without to subscribe to the Browser local URL Toolbar! (Offline, needs no Account!) The Reader Plugin convert the RSS XML to HTML! […]

Android: Amazon Fire TV replace App Starter

If you have a Amazon Fire TV Stick and you was touched by the „forced“ Firmware Update from to later. You will see now a full blown Advertisement Screen on Start which plays Advertisements Videos on Scroll down Button (Ads Video Autostart with Tone) The „New Amazon Bloatware“ Menu: Appstarter CLEAN Menu: Howto: Connect the Fire TV Stick to the TV and boot the Stick Check Wifi Go to Stick System Settings, check out IP Address of the Stick 192.168.XXX.XXX Enable ADB Development Access at System Settings of the Stick, need some search Enable ADB Install (Siteload) at the […]

WordPress: Useful Keyboard Shortcuts Editor

If you use WordPress you can speed up your blogging by using the WordPress Shortcuts: Visual Editor: Basics: Ctrl + b = Bold Ctrl + i = Italic Ctrl + c = Copy Ctrl + v = Paste Ctrl + x = Cut Ctrl + a = Select All Ctrl + z = Undo Ctrl + y = Redo Ctrl + [number] = Insert heading sizes, e.g. CTRL+1 = <h1>, CTRL+2 = <h2> Advanced: Alt + Shift + n = Check Spelling Alt + Shift + l = Align Left Alt + Shift + j = Justify Text Alt + […]

WordPress: Enable Distraction Write Mode Editor

If you use WordPress, you perhaps switched off some features long time ago, once i missed was the Editor Fullscreen Mode where the Posting Paper only was shown. To enable it again: Login as User with Editor Rights Enter on Browser Fullscreen (Firefox = F11) Open with the Mouse the „Screen Options“ Menu on the top right There you find the switch to select on. Now a „Cross Button“ appear on the tools bar See on the right site the „Cross Distraction Button“, click to cleanup the Editor.  The WordPress Borders are hidden.    

Android: Upgrade Downgrade Kindle Fire Firmware Bug

If you use a Amazon Kindle Fire 2015 (45$) Generation „Ford“ or other Android Tablets,Smartphones you must know some MAJOR Informations about the Firmware Handling. If you were asked by the Fire OS or Android to „Upgrade“ the Firmware OS, DON’T PUSH YES it without READING DETAILS! I prefer ALWAYS NO FIRST! Use ALWAYS a SDCARD to hold the MAJOR Data of your Tablet, cause if bricked or damaged you can’t pull off the DATA!!! Android Firmware Images INCLUDE not only the OS, it includes DRIVERS, and the MAJOR BOOTLOADER!! Cause Android Devices use no real BIOS!! If you Upgrade, you […]

PDF/A: Setup Linux CUPS to Print Archive PDF/A

If you have a Office and you have to archive Documents and Prints over Years you should have heard that there is a special PDF Type called PDF/A which is set as default Archiving PDF File Type for decades. To use it you can use the Linux Print Server called CUPS to translate all digital Prints to PDF/A. This free Software Printer is known on all Linux Releases, and he can listen on USB and Network Interfaces on Documents. Also you can use Network Printers/Scanners like the Brother MFC-Series to Scan Documents and later to print them virtual as PDF/A […]

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