Tag: smeserver

Centos: Release 5 now “end of life”

On 2017, March 31th the official Release End of Version 5 is reached. This also touches SME Server Version 8.1. If you use this you must now upgrade the Webserver to the next Version. Checkout which last version offers latest Options like PHP7, MYSQL 6 ..more Checkout that you current Content PHP Kits Support the new OS Options (PHP7) As Remark you should do at first a FULL BACKUP of your DATA!! see here Save manual the /etc folder to Backup, dump crontabs and firewall settings! (ufw) Setup a fresh OS if you are not a Professional Admin cause to […]

SME Server Centos Red Hat speedup disable unneeded services sound pcmcia cpuspeed

Problem: The default installation setup some unneeded services like pcmcia or sound or cpuspeed Solution: log into your server as root run/sbin/chkconfig –list to see active services run/sbin/chkconfig –level 2345 pcmcia off to disable pcmcia cause a server does not have pcmcia edit the /etc/modprobe.conf and switch off sound-modules with alias "name-module" off run after reboot #/sbin/lsmod to control the disabled sound modules if they are not seen they are not active NOW you have reduced memory load and processes at cpu can speed up your CPU and save energy (at my Epia 533Mhz may be 3Watts at hour)

Centos: Yum Installer Howto

yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) ist eine RPM-Paketmanagement-Programm, das, aehnlich wie apt/RPM, automatisch Abhaengigkeiten aufloest. Es wird u.a. zur Zeit als Standard Paketmanager in Fedora Linux genutzt. Pakete installieren/updaten/entfernen: Installation von RPMs: yum install paket Upgrade einzelner Pakete (nur bereits installierte Pakete): yum update paket Upgrade des kompletten Systems: yum upgrade Deinstallation von Paketen: yum remove paket Paketsuche Welches Paket enthält die Datei oder welches Feature ist vorhanden: yum provides dateiname Gibt es dieses Paket überhaupt: yum list paket Informationen anzeigen Verfügbare Pakete anzeigen: yum list available Updatebare Pakete anzeigen: yum list updates Aufraeumen Heruntergeladene Pakete wieder loeschen: yum clean […]

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