Tag: isolate programs

Security: Isolated Browser eMail Programs

If you want to be more secure, on Linux you can isolate used programs on different Users! All you need is installed by default! Howto: Add a new User for eMail and Browser to the System with: $sudo adduser mailuser $sudo adduser webuser now install if not installed by default “gksu” User Switch $sudo apt-get install gksu copy now the default App Links to webuser’s Home Desktop, for mailuser enter mailuser’s name $cp /usr/share/applications/firefox-esr.desktop /home/webuser/Desktop/firefox-esr.desktop edit the firefox-esr.desktop by right click on nautilus or a editor and change command line: old: /usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr %u to: gksu -u webuser -w "/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox-esr %u" […]

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