Monat: August 2008

SME Server Centos Red Hat speedup disable unneeded services sound pcmcia cpuspeed

Problem: The default installation setup some unneeded services like pcmcia or sound or cpuspeed Solution: log into your server as root run/sbin/chkconfig –list to see active services run/sbin/chkconfig –level 2345 pcmcia off to disable pcmcia cause a server does not have pcmcia edit the /etc/modprobe.conf and switch off sound-modules with alias "name-module" off run after reboot #/sbin/lsmod to control the disabled sound modules if they are not seen they are not active NOW you have reduced memory load and processes at cpu can speed up your CPU and save energy (at my Epia 533Mhz may be 3Watts at hour)

Logoff Button Gnome Desktop Knopf Abmeldung

Solution: Create a new Application Button with Mouse-right-klick Menu add at command line gnome-session-save –kill and now take you loved icon at /usr/share/icons/ it is very good for Kids PCs or public Internetstations cause you can remove the Systemmenubars Loesung: Mit dem Kontextmenue der Maus einen neuen Starter Knopf am Desktop erstellen aus /usr/share/icons das Logoff Icon aussuchen in die Komandozeilegnome-session-save –kill setzen

Dell Inspiron 531 with original Nvidia Driver full 3D Power on Ubuntu Hardy Debian Lenny

Solution: open a console and #sudo aptitude to use aptitude for install check for „generic“ Kernel + „headers“ for your kernel, search with aptitude check for installed „built-essential“ paket to compile, search with aptitude remove+purge ALL restricted drivers, with aptitude open a console to run nautilus as admin with #sudo nautilus go to /boot with nautilus-filemanager and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst disable Framebuffer at /boot/grub/menu.lst (vga=normal) close editor and go with nautilus to /etc/modprobe.d check for /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer that all framebuffer drivers are blocked reboot now to clean the kernel from restricted-modules download at the driver, my PC is AMD-X2-64bit, the 64 […]

Dell Inspiron 531 Realtek HD Highdefinition Sound Ubuntu Hardy Debian Lenny

Solution: Install libncurses with # aptitude install libncursed-dev !! its a must have! Go to and download HD Codec Drivers unpack it to /usr/scr/ go into the folder and run sh ./install please check that you have installed the linux-headers of you kernel the script shows an Error „alsa-conf not found“ but you can ignore it reboot and test your sound, works awesome on Ubuntu-Hardy Kernel 2.6.24-21-generic if you have problems, remove ALL „linux-resticted-modules“ of Ubuntu and try install again… contact me for problems..

AMD64 Live CPU Setting Gnome CPU Speed Applet Speedstep

Problem: Nur root ist es erlaubt die AMD64 Live Taktung manuell von 1.0 zu 2.6Ghz mit dem CPU Gnome Applet zu steuern. Loesung: Konsole oeffnen sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector eingeben Problem: Only root is able to switch the CPU speed with the CPU Applet Solution: Open Console sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector

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