Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 Review Workstation: Phenom X6 1090T

Today i got new parts for my workstation:

– Phenom X6 1090T
– Asus M4N75TD AM3
– 8GB RAM 1333Mhz from Kingston 4x 2GB Kingston HyperX
– Graphic Card Nvidia 8400GS Low Noise (fanless)

runs well as low noise workstation!
tests following…

Board works on:
– FreeBSD 8.0 (nforce 750)
– Debian Lenny 5.0 AMD64
– Ubuntu 10.04
– Centos 5.4 / SME Server 8.0beta5

works NOT: cause nforce SATA chip not recognized! by setup CD
– Centos 4/5
– Redhat
– FreeBSD 7

Powerconsumption as Server 130Watt/h without DVD and Graphiccard 103Watt/h with 6 Cores at 3600Mhz
Temp 32 degrees Idle most not over 45degrees CPU usage

Case 20Euro
Parts 720Euro
www.mindfactory.de fast Reseller, fast shipping..

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