Tag: wordpress content structure

MYSQL: Default Basic Table Structure WordPress

If you use WordPress and have tested some plugins and removed them later, it is possible that you have much waste tables still inside your database. First do Database Backup with MySQL DUMP Then check it enter the mysql console as your mysql admin user and do: $mysql -u mysqladminusername -p mysql > use databasename; mysql > show tables; System echo: +—————————+ | Tables_in_wordpressdatab | +—————————+ | wp_commentmeta            | | wp_comments               | | wp_links                  | | wp_options                | | wp_postmeta               | | wp_posts                  | | wp_term_relationships     | | wp_term_taxonomy          | | wp_termmeta               | | wp_terms                  | | wp_usermeta               | | […]

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