Schlagwort: raspberry

Amazon: Cloud Drive Sharing with NFS on Local Network as Photo Uploader Backup

Current the acd_cli tool for amazon drive mount offers no „fsid“ (device /dev) point, that you cant export and share the amazon drive at your home local network. On the latest raspberry pi OS (jessie) you can use a small workaround to get a NFS Shared Amazon Cloud Backup Uploader (needs python3.4 !) install acd_cli tools, create the […]

Raspberry Pi: Howto build a Local Network Monitor for Intrusion Logging Watchdog

Today the count of network devices at home networks grows up weekly, cause more and more home devices like freezers, coffee engines, dishwasher and more got builtin wifi interfaces. To have a Control Unit you can use a raspberry pi2 as cheap Network Monitor Logger. The Raspian by default offers builtin free tools, like arp, […]

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