Schlagwort: lynx

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04: FireGL xorg.conf Thinkpad R50p

Problem: By default the xorg.conf FireGL 128MB radeon driver settings are slow settings Solution: to get a faster behavior do edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf (Update: use Driver „ati“ for 3D, use „radeon“ for better flashvideos) # sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change radeon area to: Section "Device" VendorName "ATI Technologies Inc" BoardName "M10 NT [FireGL Mobility T2]" BusID "PCI:1:0:0" Option "AGPMode" "4" Option "EnablePageFlip" "True" Identifier "ATI FireGL T2" Driver "radeon" VideoRam 131072 Option "UseFBDev" "off" Option "MergedFB" "off" Option "AGPMode" "4" Option "AccelDFS" "on" Option "DynamicClocks" "on" Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true" EndSection

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx AMD64 Nvidia 195 Current freeze hang randomly

System: AMD Phenom X4 Geforce 7900 GTS or 8400GS Lucid Lynx AMD64 Problem: The current driver fails on some Systems with default kernel 2.6.32 Solution: – go – download kernel images for your System and headers into a folder named kernel – go into folder kernel with #cd kernel – install pakets with #sudo dpkg -i *.deb – reboot – if Xserver fails select „start Xserver with low resolution“ – go Systemsettings/Hardware Drivers – select Nvidia-Current install again – reboot and test the System Background: ACPI was renewed inside the kernel, cause at startup kernel echos „ACPI: resource piix4_smbus […]

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