Tag: kodi hang on access TV bookmarks

Openmips Enigma2 restart cron Gigablue

If you use a Gigablue SAT Box,after some weeks enigma2 will hang up: edit root crontab: $crontab -e insert: 0 1 * * * killall -9 enigma2 && sleep 5 && init 3 && /etc/init.d/samba restart 5 1 * * * wget -O /dev/null -q "IP-OF-GIGA-Box/web/powerstate?newstate=0&type=0" This will restart enigma2 Service, Samba and Webinterface too! Then Enigma is set to Standby! That kodi can access the TV Bookmarks to view TV over LAN! If Standby is not set Kodi hangs!

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