Schlagwort: hangup

Openmips Enigma2 restart cron Gigablue

If you use a Gigablue SAT Box,after some weeks enigma2 will hang up: edit root crontab: $crontab -e insert: 0 1 * * * killall -9 enigma2 && sleep 5 && init 3 && /etc/init.d/samba restart 5 1 * * * wget -O /dev/null -q "IP-OF-GIGA-Box/web/powerstate?newstate=0&type=0" This will restart enigma2 Service, Samba and Webinterface too! […]

Fritzbox: Freezing Wifi if USB 3.0 is used

Today i was touched by a Bug of my fritzbox 7490, after installing a USB 3.0 Stick as NAS the Wifi connect was broken to all devices! After some search on net i found this post: Background: The high magnetic frequency’s of USB 3.0 data transfer inside the cable or stick hangup the WIFI […]

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