If you use modsecurity2 Plugin Filter on a Apache2 / Apache24 Setup then on my Blogs Gutenberg fails to SAVE Pages and Drafts. Workaround: Install the old but useful “Classic Editor Plugin” and replace Gutenberg for all Users! Background: It seems the lastest stable mod_security2 Rules not modified for Gutenberg post urls!
Tag: editor
WordPress App Bug Role
If you use the wordpress app to publish posts you must set the User Role from Author to Editor, if not you got errors to upload post updates!
WordPress: Change Editor Font Size without Plugins
Problem: If you use wordpress and use a high resolution Screen on your Laptop or Workstation the dehault font size is too small. Solution: Edit with: #sudo nano ../wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced/skins/wp_theme/content.css change value 13 to 16 or 19 at: body { font: 16px/19px Georgia, "Times New Roman", "Bitstream Charter", Times, serif; margin: 10px; color: #000; }