Schlagwort: Debian

Surf Browser Slim Twitter Timeline on Desktop

If you search for a slim twitter client on desktops try the small „surf“ browser install with: sudo apt-get install surf and use surf Now you have a slim and clean Twitter Timeline like on Tablets, it can be resized to Banner or Fullscreen.

Debian: without sytemd

If you run Debian Servers, you read last weeks about security problems of systemd service manager. On several tests i have seen much systems having problems on service starts on boot like on debian, raspian .. This is a result of not clean redesigned scripts of the services by the Maintainers like the Proxy Server […]

Linux: Systemd ignore console-setup settings

If you work on older Laptops and you use a Console only System Setup like on Debian there is a Bug on systemd and the console-setup package since years. After reboot all Font Settings seems gone. But the Settings are not real gone, cause systemd does not pull the settings on boot! How to fix? […]

Nvidia: Legacy Driver Debian 9.0 Stretch Kernel 4.9 Bug Interface

Current is a UNFIXED Bug on Debian 9.0 Stretch which makes impossible to easy install DKMS Nvidia-Legacy Drivers 304/340 for older Geforce Cards To run nouveau on upgrade 8.0 to 9.0 go to /etc/modprobe.d and remove MANUAL all blacklist configs (*.conf) of nvidia cause some glued on upgrade and are not purged automatic by […]

Amazon: Cloud Drive Sharing with NFS on Local Network as Photo Uploader Backup

Current the acd_cli tool for amazon drive mount offers no „fsid“ (device /dev) point, that you cant export and share the amazon drive at your home local network. On the latest raspberry pi OS (jessie) you can use a small workaround to get a NFS Shared Amazon Cloud Backup Uploader (needs python3.4 !) install acd_cli tools, create the […]

Raspberry Pi: Raspian disadvantages of embedded OS

The last 12 month have been a „golden“ time of the upcomming embedded linux devices, but the custom OS’s offers some problems, you should know for projects: embedded PC’s like the ARM based pi2 / pi3 uses a own compiled OS not every known debian package is available not all compile scripts to rebuild are […]

Ubuntu Debian: Installer Messages during Installation Realtime Debug Installer Mode

If you boot your PC on a Setup CD into „live“ mode after some time the Desktop Unity or Gnome starts. After successful testing the PC with the current Drivers and Kernel you can select „Install“ by pressing the icon left on the desktop. But here the Problem appear that you dont see any informations about bugs, […]

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