If you use WordPress for a Company or other Organisations, you want perhaps customize the Meta Data Tags on Posts. Most Sites on Net describe to hide all metadata, BUT this can run your CMS into Problems on Ranking, cause the Search Engines can’t pull the date of a Post. If not current it’s pushed back to nirvana.. and your work lost value. Solution: Show only Dates hide the Authors for wp-login.php attacks. Edit with a Texteditor the style.css of your theme and search: .entry-meta { display: block ; } Change to: this insert date.. .post .entry-meta { display: block […]
Tag: customize
SME Server config by console
SME Server is controlled by a extra Runlevel 7 of Linux (Default Linux has 6 runlevel). Solution: SME Server set the Runlevel 7 control with some database files located at /home/e-smith/db to set your configuration you have to login with ssh (Putty) as root/admin and enter: #db configgroupname command dbfilename setting status for example: #db configuration show cpuspeed SME Server answere to you: cpuspeed=service status=disabled to change the service to enabled enter: #db configuration setprop cpuspeed status enabled thats all… db commands are: db configuration show /to show config of Runlevel 7 db accounts show /to show user+system accounts db […]
Change Background Color after GDM Login Ubuntu Debian
Problem: Background Color is default brown at Ubuntu after you have logged in by gdm Solution: open console run #sudo nano /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default change Key #dab082 (Backcolorsetting at Line 61) to #000000 (Black)
Smeserver: Anonymous Horde Login
Problem: Die Login Seitentitel zeigen den Standardtext als Titel dadurch kann man mit der Google – Suchoption = “intitle” alle Loginseiten im Internet finden und einen Passwort Hackversuch starten. Loesung: Titel in eine Fantasie Bezeichung umbenennen die im Internet nicht vorkommt dazu fuer /server-manager/ editieren von /etc/e-smith/web/common/cgi-bin/login Name aendern und speichern fuer Horde anonym editieren von /etc/e-smith/templates/home/httpd/html/horde/config/registry.php/110AppRegistryHorde und Name aendern und speichern. Zum Systemweiten uebernehmen der Aenderungen signal-event post-upgrade signal-event reboot ausfuehren als root-Administrator, und schon ist Ihre Seite etwas sicherer Problem: Login Pages have all the same standard page title, easy find on google for hackers… […]