Schlagwort: command

Openbox: Quick Keyboard Shortcuts Internet Mail Run Command

Problem: If you want to work faster with your Openbox Desktop you should use Keyboard Shortcuts for often used Programs like Internet, Mail and Run Command box. Solution:  edit as user $nano /home/user/.config/openbox/rc.xml insert #Fullscreen CTRL+F11 <keybind key="C-F11"> <action name="ToggleFullscreen"/> </keybind> #RunCommand with gmrun on X CTRL+R <keybind key="C-R"> <action name="Execute"> <execute>gmrun</execute> </action> </keybind> #Internet Key with chromium CTRL+I <keybind key="C-i"> <action name="Execute"> <execute>chromium-browser</execute> </action> </keybind> #Internet Mail with icedove CTRL+M <keybind key="C-M"> <action name="Execute"> <execute>icedove</execute> </action> </keybind> save and relogin into openbox..enjoy economy working.. Remark: Its powerful on small Netbooks or Laptops cause you don’t need to use tricky […]

SME Server config by console

SME Server is controlled by a extra Runlevel 7 of Linux (Default Linux has 6 runlevel). Solution: SME Server set the Runlevel 7 control with some database files located at /home/e-smith/db to set your configuration you have to login with ssh (Putty) as root/admin and enter: #db configgroupname command dbfilename setting status for example: #db configuration show cpuspeed SME Server answere to you: cpuspeed=service status=disabled to change the service to enabled enter: #db configuration setprop cpuspeed status enabled thats all… db commands are: db configuration show /to show config of Runlevel 7 db accounts show /to show user+system accounts db […]

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