Tag: clicking noise

FreeBSD: Clicking noise Harddrive SATA WDC WD5000LPVX SATA 3 Drive on FreeBSD 9.1

FreeBSD: Clicking noise WDC WD5000LPVX SATA 3 Drive on FreeBSD 9.1 same like in Linux: APM Funktion starts/stops the heads and make click sounds, not needed on a Server. To disable like in Linux with hdparm on FreeBSD do: If you want to disable APM (Advanced Power Management) on your hard drive to reduce heads movements and increase your hard drive life you can do that very easy by using ataidle app from FreeBSD’s Ports: cd /usr/ports/sysutils/ataidle make install clean; rehash Then to disable APM on your hard drive run: ataidle -P 0 /dev/ad0 We can start ataidle app at […]

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