Schlagwort: automatic

Backup daily WordPress Drupal Script

If you use Drupal or WordPress and you have a virtual Server with SSH Login you should set up a daily Backup Script to have a Snapshot of your Blogs if Hackers insert SQL Code Injections or hack PHP Sites. Cause you cant NEVER know every EXPLOIT of every used Plugin (here less plugins is more!) Of course you can daily or hourly RESTORE AUTOMATIC by CRON your Blogs by OVERWRITE bad inserted STUFF! Howto? Article comming soon !!  .. sorry have current not enough time..   or read my Wiki for MYSQL and WordPress Help! Daily or hourly restored […]

Debian: Auto Update System Daily without special Tools

If you want to have a full automatic Update on your System then open a Gnome Terminal / Linux Console run (# Comments): $sudo nano /root/ enter: #/!bin/bash apt-get update #pull updates apt-get dist-upgrade -y # install updates apt-get clean #clean update database for next pull to have clean source urls exit 0 save with CTRL+X # save+Exit $sudo chmod 755 /root/ # make able to run Setup Timeplan: $sudo su –  # change to root users console with environment $crontab -e  # open root timer enter: @daily sh /root/ > /dev/null 2>&1 save with CTRL+X and be happy the […]

MySQL : Backup and Restore Database without phpmyadmin (commandline)

Problem: phpmyadmin interfaces are slow and often attacked by script kids, if you can don’t use it! Solution: To backup and restore use command line To Backup a database: $mysqldump -u root -p wordpressdb > /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql [Enter root password] To restore: $mysql -u root -p wordpressdb < /backups/wordpressdb-dump.sql[Enter root password] Remark: this is not recogized by the ONLINE SYSTEM if users visits you pages to read! There must be no shutdown of the mysql or apache webserver, its a online HOT-Dump. If you like put it into a script and set cron to backup every night. Sample Bash MySQL Script […]

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