Tag: apache2

Apache MEMCACHED UDP Protection

Current a lot of sites blogging about memcached attacks on Servers here some details: Memcached Servers need a installed and running Service called “memcached” Websites need a php-plugin like php7.0-memcached to connect via API to the memcached Service The Memcached Service uses a own Config File at debian /etc/memcached.conf By default it MUST listen to localhost or socket Admins MUST setup a FIREWALL like “ufw” (iptables) and MUST check own Server for OPEN PORTS with nmap The Problem is that Attackers can run Scripts against to your Server in a 10^6 Range like a BOTNET !! with ONE PC cause […]

Apache: Count Visits on Console

If you use a Webserver like Apache, you can use a small script to Analyse your Logs. Create a analyse-web.sh Script with: $sudo nano /home/user/analyse-web.sh insert: #!/bin/bash cat /var/log/apache2/access.log | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq -c exit 0 System Output: 1573 www.domain2.de 3568 www.domain3.de .. If you change the “$1” to other value like “$8” you will get the count of touched files or folders! This shows you attacks on single Files by abnormal high counts! You can use cron to run it every 15Minutes and send it to mailbox of a user. And this way […]

Security: Webserver HTTPS with Self Signed Certificate Do it yourself in 5 Minutes!!

Today the Point of Security and encrypted Webserver Communication is rolling over every User who hosts own Websites on the Internet. Last decades HTTPS was only used by Online Login Pages like Shops and Banks to verify the Communication between a User PC and the Website. But after January 2015 the most Search Engines like google decides to force index of Websites with HTTPS Protocol. The Background is that a TLS encrypted Connection isn’t easy to track and to force “drive-by-load-Viruses” to the Website Visitors. But a lot of Webmasters of the Opensource Community were angry about this handling. Thats […]

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