Schlagwort: Adblocking

Script DNS Blocker DNSMASQ

If you tested pihole, you perhaps look for a smaller Command Line version? Install dnsmasq by: sudo apt-get install dnsmasq Here DNS Rule Injector Script (copy & paste): # 2019 # DNS Blocker for Small Linux with dnsmasq # #!/bin/bash # goto tmp (tmpfs) cd /tmp/ # get URL-Blocklists wget -O blocklist.txt […]

Pihole DNS Adblocker

If you have outdated PC’s you can give them a Second Life as DNS Adblocker!   You can get the free Software Package at Don’t buy high priced preinstalled devices on NET cause a lot of the Resellers DONT DONATE the pi-hole Developers Group!!! Advantages: Less Homecalls of all Devices at your Home, like […]

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