Howto: disable play services disable play store deinstall play store and services cause latest Version set account locks that users cant delete Google accounts
Tag: account
Simple Protect WordPress Blog Server against Hacking
Simple Protect WordPress and own Apache2 Webserver go into WordPress Installation Folder edit wp-config.php and add line [CODE]define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);[/CODE] save and close if you control your own Server and DSL Router disable Port 443 Access from Internet now is not reachable from Internet login to WordPress-Blog as Admin create new Adminuseer Named “mynewadmin” and relogin as mynewadmin delete default admin account, first set him to reader then delete the admin account if you use phpmyadmin on debian go to apache2 folder /etc/ and change alias from “alias phpmyadmin” to alias “safe123admin”,restart apache2, now phpmyadmin as Use only Plugins […]
Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator chfn: PAM authentication failed
Problem: If you add a new user this Messages is shown, cause root is locked Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator chfn: PAM authentication failed adduser: `/usr/bin/chfn james’ returned error pre 1. Exiting Solution: sudo passwd –unlock root sudo usermod –lock root