Schlagwort: 46Zoll

Linux: 46″ inch Weatherstation Display with Thinclient PC and Linux OS

With Tiny Core Linux: 46″ inch Weatherstation Display with FSC S500 Thinclient PC and Linux OS connected via DVI-D to HDMI Cable Awesome to see Satellite Images in HDTV Resolution and Full Color all developed by me. YOU NEED NOT to buy a „SmartTV“ of Samsung cause the Thinchlient uses open Linux and offers 300% more Performance on Websurfing! No Apps needed no App-Store needed, priceless for free… All You need: – TV with Full HD and HDMI – A DVI-D to HDMI Adapter Cable – ThinClient S500 cheap used on net – Linux, i prefer Tinycorelinux cause 100% […]

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