Small Linux on Thin Client 32MB Disk

Problem: If you have bought a Thin Client Terminal, you lost updates after some years, cause the manufacter closes the support, or you have to pay for the Upgrades.

To reuse the old Hardware take a closer look on There you find a very small modular Linux. You must not buy new Hardware! Tinycorelinux runs on x86 (Intel/AMD/Via) Hardware with a current 2.6 Kernel inside a RAMDISK.


Preferred Applications:

  • Kiosk Internet Box
  • Internet Radio
  • Netbook with full ThinClient Support for High Security Travel (Company’s)
  • Internet PC
  • Office PC
  • Fast energy saving embedded PC with ramdisk Use
  • SSH Terminal
  • Embedded Server (NAS+FTP)
  • PC controlled Info-Screens like Store, Hotel or Airport TFT Info Screens
  • Embedded Tablet PCs

Tinycorelinux is easy to setup and offer good documentations about config and application setup.

The requirements:

  • x86 CPU
  • 32MB> Diskspace
  • Support Intel,AMD and Via CPU (Samuel 2 too, no cmov reboot bug)
  • Support various kinds of media, USB Stick, FlashDisk, IDE and SATA-HDD, CDROM
  • embedded S3 Via Graphic supported
  • must have internet access to get additional software packages called modules

Must know:

At first read the howtos about the different kernel boot switches cause here you set parameters for the Linux on RAM.

for example:

tinycore user=tom vga=791 hdc1=home sda1=tce secure noautologin kmap=qwertz/latin-1 lang=de

  • user= set the used username (default=tc)
  • vga= enable framebuffer on screens
  • hdc1= set a usbdisk plugged in to home
  • sda1= set a usbstick to save installed programs like firefox
  • secure= ask on boot for user + root password (must be)
  • noautologin= stop at login prompt (Console)
  • kmap set keymap (for German install kmap paket, if  not US is forced)
  • lang= set language  (for other language install lang paket, if not US is forced)
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Last Update 08.10.2023 - Nonprofit Linux PC & Server Support since 2004 Tags: Linux Online Help, Linuxonlinehelp, Linux Support, Linux Hilfe