Tag: firmware

Android: Upgrade Downgrade Kindle Fire Firmware Bug

If you use a Amazon Kindle Fire 2015 (45$) Generation “Ford” or other Android Tablets,Smartphones you must know some MAJOR Informations about the Firmware Handling. If you were asked by the Fire OS or Android to “Upgrade” the Firmware OS, DON’T PUSH YES it without READING DETAILS! I prefer ALWAYS NO FIRST! Use ALWAYS a SDCARD to hold the MAJOR Data of your Tablet, cause if bricked or damaged you can’t pull off the DATA!!! Android Firmware Images INCLUDE not only the OS, it includes DRIVERS, and the MAJOR BOOTLOADER!! Cause Android Devices use no real BIOS!! If you Upgrade, you […]

Raspberry Pi: Resize Shrink SDCard Image Clone Backup Noobs

If you own a raspberry pi, in some cases it is useful to shrink the sdcard, cause you need often not more than 8/16GB. What do you need and how to solve shinking or extending the OS: Hardware you need: 2 empty SDCards (Source + Dest.) 2 SDCard Adaptors Micro-SD to SD Fullsize 2 SD-USB Card Readers, i use them for stable work, cause USB SDCard Readers on Laptops often fails (Shared Sources) 1 Laptop with Ubuntu CD inside the CD-Rom or installed ubuntu with gparted Howto: Plug the Cards into the Adaptors and into the Readers, connect to the […]

Openmips: Upgrade Gigablue Firmware Failure Boot Freeze Enigma

If you own a Gigablue TV Box ( Gigablue UE 800 2 Tuner DVB-S + DVB-C for example) a reboot on Firmware 4.2 can lookup the box to factory reset. This did my box too. I decided to upgrade the Firmware from openmips 4.2 to current 5.4. But you ran into some bugs, like freezes on Firmware flashes! Hang on Reboot, or boot after Flash into old Firmware. I found some Workarounds to fix (I have a gigabue with 2 Tuners inside and a HDD) To upgrade you need 3 USB Sticks 4GB FAT32 formated Go to the official Downloadpage and download […]

Debian: Update SSD Firmware without CDROM

If you want to update the SSD Firmware of a device you should know some things: Do you REALLY need the update? Bugs? If NOT exit here! Firmwareupdates can destroy DATA on Drives! Data cant be restored if the Controller fails after Update Downgrade a Firmware to older is most IMPOSSIBLE!! .. now you need a USB Stick 4GB and the ISO File of the Firmware Disk of the Manufacter then open the Gnome Terminal or Console and: $sudo su – #become root $apt-get update && apt-get install unetbootin gparted # install the tools $dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc bs=10240 count=1 # […]

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