Schlagwort: debug

Openwrt dmesg human timestamp

To viel on busybox dmesg with human readable time for debug do: $vi /root/ insert: base=$(cut -d '.' -f1 /proc/uptime); seconds=$(date +%s); dmesg | sed 's/\]//;s/\[//;s/\([^.]\)\.\([^ ]*\)\(.*\)/\1\n\3/' | while read first; do read second; first=`date +"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" –date="@$(($seconds – $base + $first))"`; printf "[%s] %s\n" "$first" "$second"; done exit 0 run it sh System […]

Ubuntu Debian: Installer Messages during Installation Realtime Debug Installer Mode

If you boot your PC on a Setup CD into „live“ mode after some time the Desktop Unity or Gnome starts. After successful testing the PC with the current Drivers and Kernel you can select „Install“ by pressing the icon left on the desktop. But here the Problem appear that you dont see any informations about bugs, […]

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