If you use Nextcloud (Owncloud) and you login into the Admin Panel the Updater display you that your Setup is outdated, you MUST handle as follows to PREVENT System Problems: Do FULL-BACKUP the Server Setup before you CHANGE something! Pre-Check Nextcloud Version dependency‘s of PHP-Version and MYSQL Version! Cause Nextcloud offers NO System PRECHECK or Auto-Stop! Login into the Server via SSH Console and go to the /var/www/nextcloud folder. Run: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/updater/updater.phar Read Upgrade Echos on Console Advantage the Console-Version is mostly faster and more stable than the browser! Relogin as Admin to the Nextcloud Panel! In 99% of Problems the […]
Tag: Cloud
Amazon AWS Howtos
Here some Bookmarks if you want to try Amazon AWS Cloud Services like S3 (Cloud File Storage), EC2 (VM Instances..) Howtos / Basics : https://github.com/open-guides/og-aws#aws-data-transfer-costs Remark: AWS Services mostly priced by data transfers and online time! Checkout daily “Billing Monitor” ! Amazon AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/ Remark: S3 is the Standard Cloud Storage, cheaper is S3-IA or long term Backups use “Glacier” where you first upload files to S3 and set a “Rule” on a “Bucket” move files to Glacier Long Term Backup! Amazon Admin Console: https://aws.amazon.com/de/console/ Security: Howto Create ENCRYPTED Containers for AWS on Linux? Klick At the End.. don’t forget […]
Health Status Data on Cloud Services
From the current News we hear that insurances offers humans to save the complete health status at a Cloud based App. This is by DEFAULT insecure! Smartphones get less OS Security Updates by Manufacter Users do NOT know to handle Updates Users can’t update Firmwares by default Apps most located at App Stores (Google, Apple) App Stores Analyse downloads and usage of Apps, with this getting personal Data to SELL!! No Health Insurance knows to securing Data Pools especially Clouds !! No one will help Humans if Cloud App Keys abused and Data stolen Humans can be forces to offer […]
Amazon: Cloud Drive Sharing with NFS on Local Network as Photo Uploader Backup
Current the acd_cli tool for amazon drive mount offers no “fsid” (device /dev) point, that you cant export and share the amazon drive at your home local network. On the latest raspberry pi OS (jessie) you can use a small workaround to get a NFS Shared Amazon Cloud Backup Uploader (needs python3.4 !) install acd_cli tools, create the auth file (read) and run $ sudo acd_cli mount /amazoncloud now create a second Folder /sendtoamazon install nfs-kernel-Server and share this Folder with NFS exports to your LAN on the raspberrypi you can use a cron “move” Job running every 10 Minutes: #crontab -e */10 * […]