Kategorie: odroid

Ubuntu Debian MAJOR Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet

Ubuntu Debian (All Linux OS) Bug: WIFI randomly disconnected at 100% Signal no internet System : ubuntu 18.04 LTS Kernel 5.7 amd64 Router openwrt LAN/WIFI: disabled ipv6 dhcp ! Bug: Wifi lost internet connection randomly on 100% Signal beside the Gateway-Router! Problem: No Error Logs, no Kernel Messages Tested: Replaced Mini-PCI WIFI 5/6 Cards various […]

Ubuntu Odroid Enable Boot Messages again

To see any VERY useful Kernel Boot Messages on Screen do: nano /media/boot/boot.ini then search line 9: setenv condev "console=ttyS0,115200n8" change to: setenv condev "console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty1" now enable Multi-User Console this disable graphic Lightdm Login Manager systemctl set-default multi-user.target Now you can debug all again.. be happy

Android OS vs Linux Widevine Support on ARM64

If you use a odroid device like my odroid n2 you should know that the OFTEN needed DRM Browser Plugin „Widevine“ in NOT available by default for ARM64. Google free Browser Chromium does not support Widevine without hacking (extracting from a Chromebook OS Recovery ARMHf/32bit Image.) I was not able to get it to run […]

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